Simple Art international CO.,LTD established in 2008, which focuses on the research and development, designs and sales of wearable products, such as smart watches, smart bands. Our products are exported to more than 30 countries and regions all over the world and have been widely praised by customers. As a verified Sedex member, we have passed audits by some large companies including Walmart, Disney, Watson’s, Mini-so, *** Art has its own factory facility, with 137 staffs. The product capacity is 150,000 pcs per month. In order to provide good quality and services, we have built a monitoring quality management system. the product meets the international standards, such as C E, C P S I A, R O H S and U N thirty-eight point three standards. We have set up a testing lab, which covers a wide range of testings, Battery aging testing, abuse testing, salt spray testing, waterproof testing, temperate and humid testing, transportation simulation testing etc. Simple Art believes quality is the heart of the enterprise. We preform 1 0 0 % Q C testing in incoming material, P C B A, half-finished and finished products. We have been trying continuously to develop new and innovative smart watches for customers. We warmly welcome customers from all over the world. Since we have the product, you have the reach. Let’s make a big plunge together.
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