
日期:2022-04-09 作者:网站设计公司 点击次数:358

There is no design field, color is the most important aspect of.

Designers in the decisions of a Beijing web site design style at the same time, also determines the site of emotion, and emotion expression depends greatly on the choice of the color of. Color is a very powerful tool, all designers in the design of webpage when they should understand that.

一、色采术语(Colour terms)

Many of you may have learned at school. Some basic knowledge of color, let us quickly review some terminology, to better grasp the color and the use of color.

The main composition of the color wheel

All the colors in a color wheel in. At the wheel, we can colors are divided into 3 blocks: primary, secondary color and third color.

Primary colors are red, blue and yellow. The color is the color on the color wheel, they are composed of all the other colors.

The colors are mixed together, you can get a complementary color, they are orange, green and purple.

二、色采的干系(The relation of color)

Describe the color has a large number of terms, the understanding of these terms will be helpful for us to discuss the color and the emotional meaning.

Complementary color complementary intermodulation color, they are located on the color wheel opposite position. These complementary colors are blue and orange, purple and yellow, and red and green.

Adjacent color is a color wheel adjacent colors, so when the adjacent color when used, can be very good match, but there is no obvious contrast.

The third color is determined by the intermediate color components, such as yellow green and blue green, whereby a primary and a secondary color mixing.

三、基于情绪的色采群体(Based on the emotional color groups)

Some color group and emotionally linked, such as warm, cool and neutral emotional.

Warm color can make a person feel warm, such as red, yellow and orange.

Cool colors reminiscent of cool and cold, such as blue, green and purple.

Neutral color, as the name suggests, is not how to create emotion. Like the grey and Brown is a neutral color.

To understand the color of these knowledge can be used to help a designer in the design of webpage without words can express specific meaning and specific emotion, and highlight the advantages.

四、设想中色采的范例(Design of color type)

There are two different color system, both use depends on what do you design.

RGB is the color system in three basic color " red, green, blue" English abbreviation, the three basic colors are the primary colors of light. RGB used in the television and computer screen any type of screen.

CMYK is " cyan, magenta, yellow, black" English abbreviation, these colors are pigment colors, CMYK is used in printing.

On the webpage design is based on the RGB color system.

五、明智地遴选色采、通报意义(A judicious choice of color, convey a meaning)

Color theory is the use of color meanings behind to give the user to bring the sensory experience of the practice. This experience plus some knowledge and ideas can be applied to the design of the webpage.

Often people do not agree with some specific color meaning as well as the designers should use what color to enhance the specific emotion. But without doubt is, customers of color is emotional reaction.

When you choose a color design products to be careful, not to use color. Your choice of colors to suit your target audience, can express customers wish to your message, you can meet the users on your site gets the whole experience expectations.

Warm color can bring sunny mood, in hope to bring happiness to the feel of the website is wise. To cite an example, in 2009 the global economy is not good, yellow to a webpage design is very popular color, because the company wants customers at their website to sunshine and comfortable feeling.

Cool colors are preferably used in professional or want to express and feel of the site, to show a cool corporate image. Cool express authority, clear and the feeling of trust. For example, cool blue used in many bank website, such as JPMorgan Chase bank. Cool colors used in optimistic as the theme of the website is not wise, because the user can get the wrong impression.

六、色采对用户的意义(Color for the user of the significance of)

Most of the colors can express positive or negative emotions, depending on how it is used, as well as around other colors, and the website itself connotation.

The following are some of the popular color of universal significance.


Red symbolizes the fire and power, but also with passion and importance to link together. It also helps to stimulate energy and interest.

Red negative connotation is angry, critical and angry, emergencies, and anger, which also stems from the red itself enthusiasm and initiative.


Orange is the color red, yellow two adjacent color combinations of color. Orange is a symbol of happiness, happiness and sunshine. This is a lively color, evoking childlike vitality.

Orange red so positive, but it is also part of this trait, stimulating mental activity. But it also symbolizes ignorance and deception.


Bright yellow is a happy color, represents the positive yellow traits: joy, wisdom, light, energy, optimism, and happiness.

A dim yellow brings negative feelings: a warning, criticism, lazy, and envy.


Green symbolizes nature, and there is a cure for character. It can be used to symbolize the growth and harmonious. Green lets a person feel safe. Hospitals often use the green.

On the other hand, the green is the symbol of expression with money, greed or envy. It can also be used to symbolize the lack of experience or beginners need to grow ( " no experience of the green " ).


Blue is a peaceful, calm colors, exuding stability and professional, so it is widely used in enterprise website. Blue also symbolizes trust and reliability.

A cool blue shadows can bring negative side, symbolizing depression, apathy and passive.


Purple is a royal and well-bred color, represents the wealth and luxury. It also gives the feeling of spirituality, and encouraging creativity.

Shallow purple can send out a kind of strange feeling. It is a good way to promote creativity and expression of femininity.

Deep purple can appear depressed and sad mood.


Although black is it right? Wheel part, it can still be used to suggest the feeling and meaning. It is often associated with power, elegant, refined, and depth together. Said in the interview wearing black clothing can show the applicant is a powerful individuals, the website is the same.

Black can also be viewed as a negative, because it is associated with death, mysterious and unknown together. This is sad, mourning and the colour of mourning, so when in use must be a wise choice.


White, also not part of the color wheel, a symbol of purity and innocence. It also conveys a clean and safe.

On the contrary, white can also be considered cold and distant symbol, representing the winter's harsh and bitter qualities.

Large company sites in color application examples

We will have a look some big company's Web site, to know how they use color, and that color for their users means what.


Nike often updated their website, but is usually black and grey tones, it is usually dark. Black display their products in the power, for everyone to love their movement of customers to sell quality products impression.

白宫The White House

The White House website is mainly white and light gray, plus some blue and red as an accent color. White is a symbol of hope and freedom, showing peace and pure value. Red and blue are of course the United States representative color, red represents passion and energy, blue represents peace and stability.


Amazon's site is mostly white, white has the best contrast and readability. It also reveals the clean, so that users can freely browse website. In order to orange and blue accent color allows users to feel safe, excited, also make they expect to find the most satisfied with the purchase.

Verizon公司Verizon company

Red is the main color of Verizon brand, but also throughout the web colors. Red helps stimulate the excitement of users, showing a sale of exciting and rapid updating of product image of the company. White background with a similar application, through a neat and orderly interface to help users to read this site.

百思买Best buy

Best buy the website color is dark blue, showing them in electronic market stability and strength. Best buy customers in the procurement of a large number of makes them need a sense of security and a sense of security. Yellow with happy atmosphere in their purchase feel the excitement and fun.


Schwab is an investment company, in an unstable market environment they need to make consumers on their website a sense of peace and. They use a soft blue hue to realize this point, and establish a calm, peaceful atmosphere. Neutral Brown is another help coordinate the extreme users feel enterprise color. Orange as an accent color, can allow users to buy stocks to generate excitement, but also for the site brings happiness.


Dodge's site is mostly black, can let the pictures on the website highlights. They use a bright red as an accent color. Black site to bring power, in a delicate and masculine atmosphere to showcase their products. Black is a good color, it can make the product look, precious valuable. Red expression of passion and excitement, is the hope can let consumer believe they are from a trusted, quality of security companies to purchase vehicles.

Whole foods company

Whole foods brand's main color and their website color is green. Whole foods at higher prices to sell healthy organic food. Webpage design in green is a great example of what they cherish health and pure concept, as well as their close to natural products. They also used a very pale yellow with green as an accent color, as the website adds interest.

八、色采在网站中的运用(Color in Web Application)

Does not need the descriptive text, color can give meaning to website. Whether you intend for their plus a certain meaning, the color itself has many particular impression. Users browsing webpage, color helps to transfer the user's line of sight, and guide the users how to navigate to a page. In many business web site can be seen, the color expression of feelings and values, to show the user what is their company, they sell products is how.

Careful selection of complementary color can make you a better use of color, once selected when you want to express meaning also appears.

Match colors used to change the meaning of a website. Give a soft blue hue, expressed peace site with bright orange, make people feel more exciting and interesting sites.

Maybe your customer that you design websites dark grey too much, too serious, with soft blue can make your site has a calm, peaceful tone.

九、与色采运用相干的资本(With the use of color related resources)

Many websites about color theory and color in the design of the use of. Can use the following these useful resources to find color matching and for your web site designed to inject more significance.

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  • 鸿蒙体系对建站公司意味着甚么?
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